Beer Reviews / 11.08.2017

Spindletap Juiceston pours an orange hazy  color with a good amount of head that is typical of Double IPA's.  The lacing is there but minimal.  The aroma is killer on this one people.  You get a tropical aroma that is heavenly.  I definitely pick up some guava on the nose as well as citrus flavors....

Beer Reviews / 04.07.2017

My first visit to Whole Foods Market Brewing Company isn't one I will soon forget. I managed to squeeze everything I could out of my first Fathers Day as a dad! I went to work like normal so it wasn't like I had all day, then I talked my wife into going to Under the Radar with me then we ended the night at Whole Foods Market Brewing Company. My wife wasn't thrilled to squeeze in two breweries in about two hours, but its fathers day...

Beer Reviews / 19.06.2017

At the first sip, No Label Mango Milkshake takes me back to elementary school lunches, trading something from my lunchbox to a kid with gushers or a fruit roll up. When we were there, Nick had a glass of it before me. He looked at me with a huge grin and said, "taste this," as he leaned the glass towards me. "Straight fruit roll up AMIRIGHT!?...