Back Pew Kingsbrau Festbier
After tasting so many Oktoberfests this year, Kingsbrau is in a category all its own. The light, approachability of the lager style paired with the spicy floral finish from the light Hallertau dry hop makes this...
After tasting so many Oktoberfests this year, Kingsbrau is in a category all its own. The light, approachability of the lager style paired with the spicy floral finish from the light Hallertau dry hop makes this...
Addi’s Faith Kolsch is a special beer. Not because of how perfect it smells, how beautifully it pours, or how perfectly light and balanced the flavors are. Nope, Addi’s Faith Kolsch is all of those things, but even more than that, it’s a vehicle for...
Back Pew Garnet Pietist Saison poured like a summer dream. Bright reddish-amber with an almost-white, pastel-pink head. The aroma is earthy, spicy, funky...
The smell of Back Pew Evildoer Pale Ale is reminiscent of he aforementioned bubbles with some slightly soapy, floral, citrus notes and a...
Blue Testament features a black, white, and red can that sets itself apart from the rest of the beers on the shelves. Due to how different it is, somebody could mistake it for...
Identity, style, and flash are well checked when it comes to Back Pew Brewing. These guys have a mentality that basically proclaims “Here’s our beer. If you don’t like it, then move the (expletive) on.” This is where there two main genres come on; Saints and Sinners...
If you're ever debating if you should make the voyage up north to visit our friends at Back Pew Brewing, the answer should always be yes and while you're there, grab a pint of Satyr's Swill Bock. My first time at Back Pew was at their Oktoberfest last year and I was fortunate enough to sit down with Bobby and talk beer with him. If you get the chance, track him down and ask him ANYTHING beer related and watch in amazement at the answer he gives...
Time out. If you're reading Satyr's Swill as "Satire's Swill," you're doing it wrong. Try this on for size: "Say-der's Swill." Satyr is a mythological man/goat/horse creature known for indulging in...
Bobby shared a funny story with us about sourcing the corn for his Blue Testament pils. He looked high and low all over Texas, but nobody was interested in selling the quality corn at such a low volume. Frustrated and at his wits end, he ended up...
We asked a bit about the philosophy behind the beer and who they're trying to reach. Bobby explained to us that Back Pew Brewing isn't really interested in brewing beer to transition people from macro to craft. He believes there are plenty of other breweries that'll do that just fine. "We brew beer that we believe in, simple as that." That's why they put so much effort into brewing a...
Sweet Salvation is the brown ale to end all brown ales. While it's not as heavy as it looks, it's full of flavor - not for the faint of heart. It's malty, nutty and roasty tasting. It starts off with a powerful roasted malt flavor and ends with thick chocolatey, coffee notes. I really liked it....