Brazos Valley Millions of Peaches
The flavor of Brazos Valley Millions of Peaches was refreshingly tart. It’s a super crushable beer for summer. The peaches are prevalent from start...
The flavor of Brazos Valley Millions of Peaches was refreshingly tart. It’s a super crushable beer for summer. The peaches are prevalent from start...
Dom’e’stique Wit is no exception to that high quality that Huntsville and most of North Houston has been able to enjoy, and I personally have found myself gravitating towards a Cyclers brew anytime I am at HEB or Hubble and Hudson. Dom’e’stique Wit pours a...
BAKFISH I Tell You Wit pours beautifully with a finger of thick, froathy white head. It resembles a cloudier glass of freshly squeezed orange juice that sips incredibly smoothe, with a light body and moderate carbonation. Bold flavors of sweet orange and spicy coriander devour the palette in a delightful balance that veers toward...
Upon cracking open the can, I was pleasantly greeted with light floral and citrus notes, and the signature yeasty scent of most witbiers. Buffalo Bayou claims "real dudes drink pink" because spoiler alert, Summer's Wit is brewed with the dainty, rosy-toned hibiscus flower! The citrus aroma comes full circle with a...
This craft brew is a Belgian Style Whitbier, which basically means that this summer quencher is not only light and tart but it has enough layered aroma and flavor to rival hearty winter beers. I found it to be an excellent summer brew and it seems like the hundreds of other athletes...
It's a good beer. I enjoy it, and I can see myself recommending it to someone that enjoys Belgian wits. There's a difference between I like this, I don't like this, and I don't prefer this - I don't prefer Belgian beers over others, so sometimes I'm a bit reluctant to try them. Glad I tried White Noise, though. I'm gonna give White Noise a solid...
I popped the cap and poured Black Wit-O into my favorite “We Love Houston Beer” pint glass and observed the carbonation create a thin layer of head settle at the top. This brew is as black as ink and immediately made me think of Guinness or a strong coffee stout. I had slight whiffs of licorice followed by...
I had no expectation going in because it's an experimental beer without a name, and it's the first I've officially reviewed by Baa Baa. Marcus and Kinga gave us a fill to take home after we visited them to write up a little guide for Baa Baa. I'm pretty sure I drank it and began writing the next day. However, you may have read before...
Great White Buffalo is very crisp and very light. Refreshing on the tongue, refreshing finish, just refreshing all the way around. I like that it's welcoming and mild, but it might be a bit too mild for my preference, albeit...