Beer Reviews / 13.08.2017

BAKFISH I Tell You Wit pours beautifully with a finger of thick, froathy white head. It resembles a cloudier glass of freshly squeezed orange juice that sips incredibly smoothe, with a light body and moderate carbonation. Bold flavors of sweet orange and spicy coriander devour the palette in a delightful balance that veers toward...

Beer Reviews / 11.07.2017

Upon cracking open the can, I was pleasantly greeted with light floral and citrus notes, and the signature yeasty scent of most witbiers. Buffalo Bayou claims "real dudes drink pink" because spoiler alert, Summer's Wit is brewed with the dainty, rosy-toned hibiscus flower! The citrus aroma comes full circle with a...

Beer Reviews / 12.02.2017

It's a good beer. I enjoy it, and I can see myself recommending it to someone that enjoys Belgian wits. There's a difference between I like this, I don't like this, and I don't prefer this - I don't prefer Belgian beers over others, so sometimes I'm a bit reluctant to try them. Glad I tried White Noise, though. I'm gonna give White Noise a solid...

Beer Reviews / 24.11.2016

I popped the cap and poured Black Wit-O into my favorite “We Love Houston Beer” pint glass and observed the carbonation create a thin layer of head settle at the top. This brew is as black as ink and immediately made me think of Guinness or a strong coffee stout. I had slight whiffs of licorice followed by...