Beer Reviews / 01.10.2017

Copperhead Athena has scents of yeast, fruit, and very mild alcohol. Similarly in taste, she is malt forward, with almost no detectible hop bitterness, featuring a lightly sweet, yeasty flavor. My favorite feature of Athena, you may ask? Her absolutely impeccable...

Beer Reviews / 19.09.2017

RAAAAAAAANDY is GREEEEEEEEAT with 8 A's. Cue the DJ horn sound effect thingy. It's pineappply goodness from start to finish and it's a cool representation of East meets West IPA in a can. This guy knows what I'm talking about. This guy definitely...

Beer Reviews / 17.09.2017

No Label 1st Street Ale pours a beautiful straw blonde tone with sweet, grainy, cereal-like scents and a light enough body, you can easily throw back a full six pack before the first quarter of your favorite football game finishes. While I found the body to veer toward watery, the light hop bitterness...

Beer Reviews / 23.08.2017

My first time trying Kadigan blonde was at New Republic Brewing Co's taproom in college station. I didn't go there for Kadigan but where else do you start? Blondes are the equivalent of dipping your toes in the water before you jump in. Very solid beer, perfect for a weekend afternoon beer! I feel like Blondes and Pilsners get overlooked and are even a little under appreciated! I know I'm guilty of it. ...

Beer Reviews / 18.08.2017

Lame Duck pours a medium amber color, with the perfect amount of head. In the recent haze craze, anything amber that you can see through is sometimes dismissed. The color isn't too clear, which sometimes indicates a thin watery beer. Your nose can't miss the citrus fire that exudes after pouring....

Beer Reviews / 13.08.2017

BAKFISH I Tell You Wit pours beautifully with a finger of thick, froathy white head. It resembles a cloudier glass of freshly squeezed orange juice that sips incredibly smoothe, with a light body and moderate carbonation. Bold flavors of sweet orange and spicy coriander devour the palette in a delightful balance that veers toward...