02 Dec Thankful
Feeling Kinda Thankful. Won’t Delete Later.

Dear readers,
It’s been a great, long, fattening weekend sharing a few good beers with family and friends. It got us thinking about how thankful we are.
What are we thankful for?
We’re thankful for our families. For loving us and putting up with all of our beer madness. Thank you for letting us fill both refrigerators with beer. And the closet. And all the homebrew stuff in the garage. From long trips to the grocery store because we can’t decide which beer to buy, to planning road trips around which breweries we’ll visit, thank you for putting up with us.
We’re thankful for Southwest airlines for those free checked bags! And we’re thankful for all the people and breweries around the country that randomly mail us beer. Thank you all for being so generous.
We’re thankful for Houston. For being the city without limits – a place where “that’s never been done” reads more like a double dare than a reason to doubt. Thank you for being such a beautiful, diverse place.
We’re thankful for our readers. Without y’all this wouldn’t be a thing. Thank you for reading, sharing, commenting, and encouraging us to keep raising the banner for Houston beer. Thanks for your vote of confidence with purchasing our goods on our brand new online store.
We’re thankful for Baa Baa Brewhouse. They opened up their taproom to us when we were nobodies. (Side note: we’re still very much nobodies, but back when we were the nobodies of nobodies.) Before we had hundreds of articles, tens-of-thousands of followers or a slew of cutely named hazy IPAs hit the Houston streets, they treated us like family when they had no real reason to. Thanks, Marcus and Kinga. Y’all helped encourage us early on that we had an idea worth pursuing.
We’re thankful for our writers and contributors. For everybody that’s dropped a comment, DM, or email to tip us off on some new spot or big news. For some of our old contributors like Nick Blaschke, Sam Nichols, Hannah Richards, Katie McGranahan, and Tam Pham and for our current ones Josh Olalde and Brent Topa. The stuff y’all have written is always entertaining and informative to read, and we’re thankful for your time and talent. We’re thankful for Josh and his beautiful photographs. Your passion and creativity bubble over in person just like the beer in your pictures.
We’re thankful for Chris for starting this thing. He saw something that was missing in Houston beer, and he didn’t want to be on the sidelines any longer. We’re thankful for Tony. For taking Chris’ passion and ideas and bringing them to life with his nerdiness and eye for design. We’re thankful for all the haters that like to send nasty emails about how we shouldn’t do this or that, or leave hater comments on our articles. Thanks. Y’all keep motivating us.
We’re thankful for Ingenious and SpindleTap for giving us a chance to design their labels. It’s a lot of fun, and it’s tremendously rewarding to see our artwork on cans that are being traded around the country. Here’s to many more.
We’re thankful for sponsors that believed in us enough to drop a few dollars for ad space and paid content. People like Mike Francis at Hop Drop. For delivering cold, fresh craft beer to our doors every week (and for saving our readers 10% with code “BEERCRHONICLE”, sorry, had to). For wanting to use their mind for logistics to help busy beer nerds like us get our paws on beer that we wouldn’t have the time for otherwise. We’re thankful for Stephanie at Pedal Party for taking a gamble on us as our first sponsor ever. For wanting to dedicate their business to the fun and good times of others.
We’re thankful for all the people that have put their trust and dollars in our hands. From helping us sell out shirts and glasses, to helping us raise money for worthy causes. Thank you for your trust and generosity. You make Houston the city that it is.
We’re thankful for all the good people we’ve met. Those that have reached out to us, those we’ve reached out to, and those we just happened to cross paths with. Thanks for not leaving us on read.
We’re thankful for every person that contributes every month by DM’ing, texting, and emailing in tips to help us develop stories. Thank you for generously sharing your time and your concern for issues that others may find frivolous.
We’re thankful for James Simpson from What’s on Tap Radio, Brody Chapman, Garrison Mathis and Leo Longoria from SpindleTap, Ryan Soroka from 8th Wonder, Justin Gyorfi, Derek, and James Carlyle from Ingenious, and Tom from No Label. Y’all have helped us bridge some gaps with what we do, and your friendship and endorsement mean the world to us.
We’re definitely forgetting somebody here, and we’re sorry for that, but thank you too.
We’re thankful for all the brewers, owners, founders, servers, cellarmen, canners and bottlers, reps, volunteers, and every other person that makes beer more than just a tasty drink. We love y’all, and we’re thankful for you today.
Happy very late Thanksgiving. Every day should be Thanksgiving as far as we’re concerned. Enjoy a beer with somebody you love. Be safe during these holidays. We’re running a little sale for Cyber Monday and another one for Giving Tuesday that allow us to show some gratitude back to you. Check them out if you’re thankful in return for what we do.
Beers to you, Houston
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