11 Jul Where to Find Craft Beer at Hobby Airport
Where to Find Craft Beer at Hobby Airport
My flight to Nashville was delayed three times due to thunder storms, and I began to get a little parched. Craft beer was kind of scarce, so I figured I’d help you with where to find craft beer at Hobby Airport.
I was headed to Nashville for some family stuff, but I had Bearded Iris, Southern Grist and a few others on my agenda, so I decided I’d go grab a beer real quick. To my astonishment, there weren’t many options.**
The first Papasito’s I checked out only had one – Shiner Bock. I’m happy to drink a Shiner Bock now and again, but I decided I’d survey the landscape to see if there were others since I knew I had the time. The concrete jungle turned into a desert pretty quickly. I was shocked at the lack of selection!
Hobby’s pretty humble. In size, food, and destinations offered, it’s a pretty small airport in comparison to Bush. But I was still shocked at the sparse craft options.
So sparse that I wrote a letter to Tilman Fertita to see if anything could be done. Be on the lookout for that, and help us get it in front of his eyes.
Until then, check out the list of where to find craft beer at Hobby Airport below, so you can possibly find something to make the most of that delayed flight. You can click on the links of any of the restaurant names to visit their sites and confirm their menus as well as any of the beers to read about them if you’re unfamiliar.
**Disclaimer: To be fair, I had already passed airport security, so I didn’t get to survey Pappa’s Bar-B-Q, but I did call them after the fact to confirm their selection.
Here’s Where to Find Craft Beer at Hobby Airport Before Security
Pappa’s Bar-B-Q – Right in front of security
Shiner Bock
Saint Arnold Seasonal – Spring Bock, Summer Pils, Oktoberfest, Christmas Ale, White Noise
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Saint Arnold Amber
Here’s Where to Find Craft Beer at Hobby Airport After Security
Gates 20-29 and 30-32
Shiner Bock
Buffalo Wild Wings – Near Gate 23
Sam Adams Boston Lager
Rebel IPA
Shiner Bock
Saint Arnold Lawnmower
Saint Arnold Amber
Gates 40-49 and 50-51
Saint Arnold Seasonal – Spring Bock, Summer Pils, Oktoberfest, Christmas Ale, White NoiseS
aint Arnold Amber
Saint Arnold Art Car IPA
Sam Adams Boston Lager
Sierra Nevada Hop Hunter IPA
Abita Amber
Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro
New Belgium Fat Tire
Pappa’s Burger – Near gate 46
Saint Arnold Lawnmower
Shiner Bock
Sierra Nevada (unknown – the menu didn’t say, and couldn’t see the taphandle – guessing Pale Ale)
Southern Star Bombshell Blonde
Gates 1-5
Yia Yia Mary’s – Near Gate 1
Saint Arnold Amber
Shiner Bock
Pappasito’s Cantina – Near Gate 21
Shiner Bock
Pappasito’s Cantina Bar – Near Gate 4
Saint Arnold Seasonal – Spring Bock, Summer Pils, Oktoberfest, Christmas Ale, White Noise
Saint Arnold Amber
Saint Arnold Art Car IPA
I wonder if just one of these spots decided to double down on craft how that’d change their revenue. I wonder if it’d turn quick enough to stay fresh. Only time’ll tell, but until then, safe travels and beers to you, Houston!
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